[Updates] Introduction - Kyle Wagner

Kyle Wagner kyle at kaikeru.com
Mon Jun 6 18:26:48 EDT 2016


My name is Kyle Wagner. I recently moved back to Albuquerque due to an
employment opportunity for my wife. My cousin Ollie Wagner introduced me to
Andrew Stone at a wedding over the weekend. Andrew was kind enough to
invite me to this mailing list.

A little about my programming background. I received a CS degree from UNM
and moved to Austin, TX shortly after graduation. For three years I worked
on military SONAR systems at the Applied Research Laboratories at UT as an
"Engineering Scientist". My primary responsibilities were real-time data
processing on SONAR systems deployed in mission critical settings. I was
heavily involved in maintenance and development of new systems. I
customized Red Hat Linux for use in our SONAR and created custom DevOps
tools to make our lives easier.

 I also acted as a Service Engineer. When a system broke, I was sent into
the field to debug our custom hardware and fix broken software. One of the
worst places I've ever had to code was in the hull of a 20ft submersible in
100% humidity. I don't recommend it. If you want to see any of the work,
look up IPUMA on Google Image search. Sadly, no code is public as it is
highly sensitive.

My main programming languages are C++ and Python with a bit of Node.js
thrown in. I'm also comfortable in Java but don't use it often. I have very
thorough knowledge of Linux, message queues, and parallel programming. I'm
primarily interested in full stack development. I have a good understanding
of HTML5 design with JavaScript, CSS, SASS, etc and good understanding of
Node.js and Django. I'm moderately skilled in Adobe Photoshop, Premiere,
and Audition.

What I lack is any experience building iOS or Android apps. It's something
I hope to work on but never had the time. If anyone is looking to throw
some work my way, please email me.


email: kyle at kaikeru.com
web: http://kaikeru.com
twitter: aKyleWagner
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