[Updates] iOS Workshop ARKit, SceneKit this Friday

Gareth Harris garethharris at mac.com
Fri Jun 19 11:51:17 EDT 2020

Sorry I am not ready to join your ARKit work , yet.

I fell off the planet in March when my kidney probs finally caught up with me.
Spent some time in Lovelace Womens Hosp,
  with transfusion, hemo dialysis, released too early, came home and fell on my butt.
Dialysis took off 20-30 lbs of fluid - my BP reg went crazy.
Back to Lovelace, but this time I got caught up in the virus sweep.
Went to Lovelace General, more hemo dialysis,
but got smarter and this time discharged through Lovelace rehab,
now at home, switched to PD - peritoneal dialysis - done at home by me

did weigh 185, now 155. - - really learning a lot about my own body chemistry !!

Now back to work - I need to get my old Macpro updated all the way to Catalina ?!?!

I will. start by doing my old process control system in python.
See ThinkingTalkingComputing.com <http://thinkingtalkingcomputing.com/> about BeeTeam Software
Then maybe I can connect to animation using ARKit ??

good luck with meeting this AM

Gareth Harris
garethharris at mac.com


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