[Updates] Cliff Matthews looking for clients to do Rust or Ruby work

Clifford Matthews clifford.t.matthews at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 18:56:20 EDT 2019

Hi all,

It was a rare treat to see Ollie earlier today at Cocoa Conspiracy. His
Statue of Liberty app is amazing as is Apple's Swift UI. It's also always
nice to see Michael Deitcher's latest work.

I apologize for sending a mostly off-topic email to this list, but although
I haven't really done any Cocoa programming, I've been hanging around
Andrew since the NeXTSTEP (and other CAPitalization VaRIants) days and been
attending Cocoa Conspiracy since day one (I believe). Anyway, I just
recently sent email to the RubiABQ
<https://www.meetup.com/Rubyists-in-Albuquerque/> mailing list mentioning
that I'm looking for clients and figured I'd share the same info here:

I'm looking for one or more clients. Presumably most of you know who I am
> and at least some of the things I've done. My vanity web site
> <https://devctm.com/> has more details.  All things equal, I'd really
> like to do scut work in Rust as I build my Rust chops. However, I know Ruby
> fairly well and am a competent backend developer with a decade of
> experience in Ruby on Rails. I'm also very good with legacy code bases,
> whether they're crazy old or simply crazy. My years doing reverse
> engineering and emulation helps me out there.

> The rates on my page are for long term work (months, years). I'm
> temporarily willing to do shorter projects at lower rates. That may seem
> like a weird inverse, but I'm well worth the rates on my page. However, I'm
> incredibly bad at looking for work, yet exceedingly loyal, never leaving
> anyone in the lurch. As such, I don't want to be committed long term to a
> low rate, but "right now" I probably should put food on my family's table.

Please contact me if you have any leads, including web-sites to look at or
reputable headhunters (who handle contractors). Thanks!
Cliff Matthews
clifford.t.matthews at gmail.com
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