[Updates] Joel Spolsky in Abq next week

Seth Gardenswartz sgardenswartz at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 10:10:21 EDT 2015

If anyone is interested in meeting and listening to Joel, he will be the guest speaker for ABQid's cohort next Wednesday evening. Its not a huge venue but we have arranged to have room for members of the community. Joel will give a presentation and then hang around and mingle with the cohort and guests. The format is similar to the YC dinner presentations. Its a unique opportunity and Joel rearranged his plans to support our local startup and software community. If you are planning on coming you must register by clicking the link below. We expect a capacity crowd so please sign up. I am sending this before it gets sent in ABQid newsletter!

http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=imsb9sqab&oeidk=a07eb0tng6j8e8b870c <http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=imsb9sqab&oeidk=a07eb0tng6j8e8b870c>
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