[Updates] Fwd: Tierra Adentro of New Mexico Charter School

Andrew Stone andrew at stone.com
Wed Jan 28 13:22:00 EST 2015


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Navy Encinias <navyencinias at gmail.com>
> Subject: Tierra Adentro of New Mexico Charter School
> Date: January 27, 2015 at 11:03:44 AM MST
> To: info at stone.com
> To whom it may concern: 
> My name is Navy Encinias. I work as an assistant in the Curriculum Development office at a charter school here in Albuquerque, called Tierra Adentro of New Mexico (TANM, tierraadentronm.org). TANM works in close partnership with the National Institute of Flamenco –– a local arts nonprofit with a 30+ year history of serving the community with Flamenco education and programming. 
> TANM (founded in 2010) recently had its charter renewed for a second 5-year term, enabling the innovative curricular work developed in our classrooms to continue. I'm writing today with interest in identifying a computer programmer/software engineer to consult on the development of a program from scratch –– something that would digitize a system of instructional evaluation and note-taking we're developing called Tracking. 
> Until now, this Tracking work has all taken place on paper, but we envision (and hope to develop with an engineer) a program that would render the data collected through this work easily searchable, broadly useful, and at some point, widely accessible. Do members of your team work or consult on projects like the one I'm describing here? Or, are there other companies that you could recommend who do this type of work? 
> I know little about the software development industry and process, and am early in my search for an individual that could help us move forward with our vision. Any information or direction I can find would be greatly appreciated. I understand that this inquiry may be outside your company's scope of work, so please let me know if I can provide you with any more information about our vision for this program or about the charter school's work at large. 
> Thank you in advance, 
> Navy Encinias
> Curriculum Assistant
> Tierra Adentro of New Mexico 

Andrew Stone

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