[Updates] Ruby on Rails full-time position in Abq

John Mierzwa JohnM at deepdivecoders.com
Mon Oct 27 16:37:56 EDT 2014

Guillermo has a full-time, ~$100K RoR position in Abq he's seeking to fill:

*Guillermo Yañez*

IT Account Executive / Recruiter

*Sabio Systems*

4520 Montgomery NE., Suite 7

Albuquerque, NM 87109

*(505) 792-8604 x17 <505%29%20792-8604%20x17> office*

*(505) 232-6967 <%28505%29%20232-6967> fax*

guillermo at sabiosystems.com


Thank you,

John Mierzwa

Director, STEMulus Initiatives
Central New Mexico Community College

CNM STEMulus Center

John's LinkedIn Profile
Twitter: @deepdivecoders
(505) 720-1380

*'It seemed like a fine philosophy. In five years, I thought, it will seem
just as silly as all the other fine philosophies I've had.'*

*      The Sun Also Rises by **Ernest Hemingway, 1926*
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