[Updates] Albuquerque Tech Job: "UI/Web developer: Heavily experienced with HTML5, CSS, AngularJS, Node.JS"

matthew.ferguson matthew.ferguson at zoho.com
Mon Nov 10 21:37:43 EST 2014

"UI/Web developer: Heavily experienced with HTML5, CSS, AngularJS, Node.JS"

 We are ComboTrip! A funded Startup located in Albuquerque! And we are looking for heavily experienced UI/Web developer who has hands on experience with JS,JQ, CSS, AngularJS, Front end integration, Drag n Drop functionality, etc. Being familiar with Ruby on Rail is a plus. Please email me if you are interested in.

 At least 25-30hrs/week. We need this team member at least for 4 months. We want this person to be part of the team (gradually)eventually.

 Moe Esmaeili  at mostafae at gmail.com

Regards,Matthew Ferguson



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