[Updates] App Developed in Albuquerque is Now Free

Jeremiah Gage gage at slyco.org
Tue Jan 21 13:00:05 EST 2014


If you don't already know me, I am a local iOS developer and have been
helping out Andrew Stone in the iOS Workshops (every 1st and 3rd Friday of
the month at Ideas & Coffee <http://www.ideasandcoffee.com/>).

I have developed a photography app for iPhone and iPad called Crazy Camera,
and it is now free to download from the App Store.

If you like the app, a good rating on the store would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you!

The Crazy Camera website is http://crazycamera.info
Here is a brief video of Crazy Camera in action: http://youtu.be/xFISZ4_WZsc
The iTunes link is:
Jeremiah Gage
gage at slyco.org

Crazy Camera - Look at life with a twist!
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