[Updates] Topics of Interest for 2014
Andrew Stone
andrew at stone.com
Fri Jan 3 14:18:45 EST 2014
The first and third Friday of every month, Cocoa Conspiracy provides iOS training and development from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm at IdeasAndCoffee.com.
Here are some ideas for what we want to learn this year - please provide input if you have other ideas or want to pitch in on training us on any topic.
Topics for 2014
Security - 1password, Lil’Snitch, Keychain, GPG, TOR,
JailBreaking - how to,
Mesh Networks - OpenGarden
Beacons - MultiPeer
Safari Push Notifications
App Nap - and all background activities
Desired things to code
MacPorts, Darwin, other UNIX, Brew
Andrew Stone
Twitter / @twittelator
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