[Updates] Two handy links

Jeff Hellman jeff at hellmansoft.com
Fri Sep 20 20:03:05 EDT 2013

Just to piggy back on this- I can't recommend Dash highly enough-  it's a (very fast) Mac documentation browser that pulls in the iOS and Mac documentation sets.  You can also bring in any documentation set available at cocoadocs.org.  It's also got built in support for about 50 other libraries (like rails, ruby, Jquery, etc…)- 

There's a free version (with some nags) at https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dash-docs-snippets/id458034879?mt=12 though it's only 8 bucks (in-app purchase) for the full version.

On Sep 20, 2013, at 5:54 PM, "Rob Haack" <rob at engineeredstuff.com> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> If you want to get down and dirty with TCP/IP sockets, this is a great reference.  Andrew suggested earlier today that I share this with the group:
> Beej's Guide to Network Programming:  http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/
> Also, I sat down this afternoon to (finally) really dig into some new features of iOS7.  To my dismay, I discovered that the new documentation window in Xcode 5 doesn't include a table of contents!  Weird.  (Also, it's under Help, instead of in the Organizer, if you're having trouble finding it at all...).  While it's easy to find things you already know about, it's not so easy to browse and discover anymore.
> I found this really, really handy URL in the developer forums:
> file:///Users/NAME/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets/com.apple.adc.documentation.AppleiOS7.0.iOSLibrary.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/navigation/index.html#section=Resource%20Types&topic=Guides
> Replace "NAME" with your user name.  (Also, if you haven't already, install the iOS7 doc set in Xcode preferences under "Downloads").
> Best,
> Rob
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