[Updates] why git'ing in Xcode is broken in some cases

Andrew Stone andrew at stone.com
Fri Aug 2 17:47:40 EDT 2013

TIL: If you pull remote source from within XCode, and the XCode document file itself has changed in the repository, that document may not be re-sourced in XCode's UI, leaving you in a state that no longer reflects the actual up-to-date source.

This manifested when an image file was IN the XCode file list, but it was not "added to target" - that checkbox here:

I'd fixed this problem, tested, pushed, but others who pulled from withIn XCode, that was not updated locally and their builds didn't have that image because their XCode document did not reflect my change.

This is why I git from a terminal and use GitX to monitor, commit and discard changes. Github's app bit me once and we lost a morning so I've not tried that lately, although it's gui is better than GitX's basic but enough interface.

Andrew Stone
Twitter / @twittelator

Andrew Stone
Twitter / @twittelator


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